European Colloquium on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, ECSTER
Division researchers, main page, 23.02.1997

[revision], [commands], [published version], [enlarged version].

Directory of active researchers in the field

For those researchers who have a WWW home page, the directory only indicates the name, the university or other affiliation, the country, the E-mail address, and a link to the home page. For those researchers not having such a home page known to us, the directory indicates in addition the full affiliation and address whenever known.

Ortographic conventions for person names, city names, and university names are found in [notn].

E-mail address finders:

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Agosta, John M., SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA, [], [brc].

Aiello, Luigia, Dept of Computer and System Science, Uni Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy, [].

Bacchus, Fahiem, Uni of Waterloo, Canada, [], [brc].

Baral, Chitta, Knowledge Representation Group, Uni of Texas at El Paso, USA, [], [brc].

Barklund, Jonas, CS Department, Uppsala Uni, Sweden, [].

Baudinet, Marianne, CS department, Uni Brussels (ULB), Belgium, [].

Bedrax-Weiss, Tania, Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL), Uni of Oregon, Eugene, USA, [], [brc].

Bell, John, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

van Belleghem, Kristof, KU Leuven, Belgium, [].

van Benthem, Johan, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Uni Amsterdam, Netherlands, [].

Bertossi, Leo, LYRCC group: Lógica y Representación Computacional de Conocimiento, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, [], [brc].

Bettini, Claudio, Dept. of Information Science, Uni Milano, Italy, [].

Bibel, Wolfgang, Dept of Artificial Intelligence, TU Darmstadt, Germany, [].

Biundo, Susanne, , [], [brc].

Blythe, Jim, Carnegie-Mellon Uni, Pittsburgh, Penn., USA, [], [brc].

Boddy, Mark S., Honeywell SRC, Minneapolis, MN, USA, [].

Boutilier, Craig, Uni of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [], [brc].

Bouzid, Maroua, CRIN-CNRS and INRIA Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France, [], [brc].

Brafman, Ronen, The Formal Reasoning Group, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [].

Brewka, Gerd, TU Vienna, Austria, [], [brc].

Brown, Mark A., Dept of Philosophy, Syracuse Uni, NY, USA, [].

Brzoska, Christoph, Computational Logic Group, Uni Karlsruhe, Germany, [].

Buvac, Sasa, The Formal Reasoning Group, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [].

Carmo, José, Logic and Computation Group, TU Lisbon, Portugal, [].

Cervesato, Iliano, .

Chittaro, Luca, Uni Udine, Italy, [], [brc].

Cohn, Anthony, Uni of Leeds, United Kingdom, [].

Coradeschi, Silvia, Knowledge Processing Laboratory, Uni Linköping, Sweden, [], [brc].

Costello, Tom, The Formal Reasoning Group, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [], [brc].

Crawford, James, Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL), Uni of Oregon, Eugene, USA, [], [brc].

Cunningham, Jim, Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, [].

Darwiche, Adnan, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [], [brc].

Davis, Ernest, Dept of Computer Science, New York University, USA, [].

Dean, Tom, Brown Uni, Providence, RI, USA, [], [brc].

Dearden, Richard, Uni of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [].

Dechter, Rina, Uni of California at Irvine, USA, [].

Deneker, Marc, KU Leuven, Belgium, [].

Dengler, Dietmar, .

Dignum, Frank, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, [].

Doan, An Hai, Uni of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA, [], [brc].

Doherty, Patrick, Knowledge Processing Laboratory, Uni Linköping, Sweden, [], [brc].

Drakengren, Thomas, Knowledge Processing Laboratory, Uni Linköping, Sweden, [], [brc].

Giunchiglia, Enrico, [E.Giunchiglia], Mechanized Reasoning Group, Uni Genova, Italy, [], [brc].

Elkan, Charles, Uni of California at San Diego, USA, [], [brc].

Etherington, David, Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL), Uni of Oregon, Eugene, USA, [], [brc].

Evans, David, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, [].

Fariñas del Cerro, Luis, [Farinas], Institute for Research in Informatics in Toulouse, France, [].

Ferguson, George, Uni of Rochester, NY, USA, [].

Fisher, Michael, Metropolitan Uni of Manchester, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

Franconi, Enrico, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Institute for Research in Science and Technology (IRST), Povo TN, Italy, [].

Friedman, Nir, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [].

Frühwirth, Thom, [Fruehwirth], Institut für Informatik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, [].

Gabaldon, Alfredo, Knowledge Representation Group, Uni of Texas at El Paso, USA, [].

Gelfond, Michael, Knowledge Representation Group, Uni of Texas at El Paso, USA, [].

Georgeff, Michael, Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, Melbourne, Australia, [], [brc].

Gerevini, Alfonso, Uni Brescia, Italy, [].

De Giacomo, Giuseppe, [Giacomo], Artificial Intelligence Group, Uni Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy, [], [brc].

Giannotti, Fosca, Models and Languages Group, CNUCE, Pisa, Italy, [].

Ginsberg, Matthew L., Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL), Uni of Oregon, Eugene, USA, [brc].

Golden, Keith, .

Goldman, Robert P., Honeywell SRC, Minneapolis, MN, USA, [], [brc].

Goldszmidt, Moises, Rockwell Science Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA, [].

Gooday, John, Artificial Intelligence Division, Uni of Leeds, United Kingdom, [].

Greenwald, Lloyd, Brown Uni, Providence, RI, USA, [], [brc].

Grumbach, Stephane, Verso project, INRIA - Rocquencourt, Paris, France, [].

Gruninger, Michael, Dept of Industrial Engineering, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [], [brc].

Gustafsson, Joakim, Knowledge Processing Laboratory, Uni Linköping, Sweden, [].

Haddawy, Peter, Uni of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA, [].

Hanks, Steve, Uni of Washington, Seattle, USA, [], [brc].

Hayes, Pat, Beckman Institute, Urbana, IL, USA, [], [brc].

Heckerman, David, , [], [brc].

Herzig, Andreas, .

Herzog, Gerd, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Saarbrücken, Germany, [].

Horty, John F., Uni of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, [].

Huang, Zhisheng, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

Iocchi, Luca, .

Allen, James, [J.Allen], TRAINS Project, Uni of Rochester, NY, USA, [], [brc].

McCarthy, John, [J.McCarthy], The Formal Reasoning Group, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [], [brc].

Kakas, Antonios, Uni of Cyprus, [].

Kanazawa, Keiji, Uni of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [].

Karlsson, Lars, Knowledge Processing Laboratory, Uni Linköping, Sweden, [], [brc].

Kartha, Neelakantan, Honeywell SRC, Minneapolis, MN, USA, [], [brc].

Kelley, Todd, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [], [brc].

Knight, Brian, Uni of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom, [].

Koehler, Jana, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Saarbrücken, Germany, [], [brc].

Koller, Daphne, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [].

, NIL, .

Krogh, Christen, Dept of Philosophy, Uni Oslo, Norway, [].

Allen, Layman E., [L.Allen], Uni of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, [].

Lenzerini, Maurizio, Artificial Intelligence Group, Uni Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy.

Lespérance, Yves, York Uni, Toronto, Canada, [].

Levesque, Hector, Cognitive Robotics Group, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [].

Levinson, Richard, NASA-AMES Research Center, Mountain View, CA, USA, [], [brc].

Li, Renwei, Dept of Computer Science, New University of Lisbon, Portugal, [], [brc].

Lifschitz, Vladimir, The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Uni. of Texas at Austin, USA, [], [brc].

Lin, Fangzhen, Cognitive Robotics Group, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [], [brc].

van Linder, B., Uni Utrecht, Netherlands, [brc].

Llopis, Jimena, Uni Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, [].

Lobo, Jorge, Uni of Illinois at Chicago, USA, [].

Loganantharaj, Raja, Center for Advanced Computer Studies, Uni of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, USA, [], [brc].

Lokhorst, Gert-Jan C., Dept of Philosophy, Erasmus Uni, Rotterdam, Netherlands, [].

Lukaszewicz, Witold, <\Lukaszewicz>, Uni Warsaw, Poland, [], [brc].

Ma, Jixin, Uni of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

Madalinska-Bugaj, Ewa, <Madali\'nska-Bugaj>, Uni Warsaw, Poland, [].

Malin, Jane T., NASA, , NIL, [], [brc].

Martelli, Alberto, Uni Torino, Italy, [].

Masseron, Marcel, Uni Paris 13, France, [].

Masuch, Michael, CCSOM, Uni Amsterdam, Netherlands, [].

May, Wolfgang, Dept of Computer Science, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, [], [brc].

McCain, Norman, Uni. of Texas at Austin, USA, [], [brc].

McDermott, Drew, Yale Uni, New Haven, USA, [mcdermott-drew@CS.YALE.EDU], [brc].

McIlraith, Sheila A., Uni of Toronto, Canada, [], [brc].

Mendez, Gisela, Uni Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, [], [brc].

Miller, Rob, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

Montanari, Angelo, Uni Udine, Italy, [].

Morgenstern, Leora, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, [].

Murphy, David, .

Musto, Daniela, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, USA, [].

Nardi, Daniele, .

Nebel, Bernhard, Dept of Computer Science, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, [], [brc].

Ngo, Liem, , [], [brc].

Ortiz, Charles L., Uni of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, [].

Pain-Barre, Cyril, .

Pearl, Judea, Uni of California at Los Angeles, USA, [], [brc].

Pereira Lopes, Gabriel, [Pereira_L], New University of Lisbon, Portugal, [].

Perlis, Donald, Active Logic Group, Uni of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, [].

Pinto, Javier, LYRCC group: Lógica y Representación Computacional de Conocimiento, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, [].

Poole, David, Uni of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [], [brc].

Porto, António, New University of Lisbon, Portugal, [].

Prendinger, Helmut, , [], [brc].

Provetti, Alessandro, CIRFID, Uni Bologna, Italy, [], [brc].

Pryor, Louise, Dept of Artificial Intelligence, Uni of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, [].

Pym, David, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

Reiter, Ray, Cognitive Robotics Group, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [], [brc].

Rosati, Riccardo, .

Ryan, Dan, NASA, , NIL, [].

Sadri, Fariba, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

Sandewall, Erik, Dept of Computer and Information Science, Uni Linköping, Sweden, [], [brc].

Santos, Marcus Vinicius T., Laboratory for Integrated Systems, Uni São Paolo, Brazil, [].

Schaerf, Marco, Uni Rome 'La Sapienza', Italy, [].

Schreckenghost, Debra, NASA, , NIL, [].

de Schreye, Danny, KU Leuven, Belgium, [].

Schubert, Len, Uni of Rochester, NY, USA, [], [brc].

Schwalb, Eddie, Uni of California at Irvine, USA, [].

Schwind, Camilla, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Marseille, Université de la Méditerrannée, Marseille, France, [], [brc].

Sergot, Marek, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, [].

Sernadas, Amilcar, Dept of Mathematics, TU Lisbon, Portugal, [].

Shachter, Ross, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [].

Shanahan, Murray, Department of Computer Science, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, United Kingdom, [], [brc].

Shoham, Yoav, Stanford Uni, Stanford, CA, USA, [], [brc].

Smith, David E., Rockwell Science Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA, [], [brc].

Soutchanski, Michail, Cognitive Robotics Group, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [], [brc].

Stein, Lynn Andrea, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Stephan, Werner, .

Tash, Jonathan King, Dept of Computer Science, Uni of California at Berkeley, USA, [], [brc].

Tenenberg, Josh D., .

Terenziani, Paolo, .

Ternovskaia, Eugenia, Cognitive Robotics Group, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [].

McCarty, L. Thorne, [Th.McCarty], Rutgers Uni, USA, [].

Thielscher, Michael, TU Darmstadt, Germany, [], [brc].

Thomason, Rich, Uni of Pittsburgh, Penn., USA, [], [brc].

Turner, Hudson, The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Uni. of Texas at Austin, USA, [], [brc].

del Val, Alvaro, Uni Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, [].

Vauzeilles, Jacqueline, Uni Paris 13, France, [].

Vila, Lluís, Uni of California at Irvine, USA, [], [brc].

White, Graham, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, United Kingdom, [].

Williams, Mary-Anne, Uni of Newcastle, Australia, [].

Williamson, Mike, Robotics Institute, Carnegie-Mellon Uni, Pittsburgh, Penn., USA, [].

Yi, Choong-Ho, Uni Karlstad, Sweden, [], [brc].

Young, R. Michael, Uni of Pittsburgh, Penn., USA, [], [brc].


The information for many of the entries in this list (particularly entries from outside Europe) have originally been collected by Rob Miller.

Sending mail to all the above

If you have a message you wish to share with all members in the above list, we offer you two options:
  1. Send it by E-mail directly to all of them.
  2. Send the message to us, and we'll include it in the next issue of the Newsletter.
The second option has the disadvantage of a slight delay, but it also has several advantages: So, click here in order to send a message to the Newsletter for inclusion in our next issue, and click here in order to send an E-mail message directly to all the 135 researchers that are listed above.


The present list is generated automatically from a small database containing the required information (and no other). The same database is used for providing WWW and E-mail links in other ECSTER listings involving names of researchers, for example, in listings of publications.

We try to put maximal attention to the correct spelling of names, also including the diacritics. The proper position of a name in the alphabetical order is non-obvious for last names beginning with a prefix (for example "del", "van", "van der"), which may be ordered either on the prefix or on the name-proper following the prefix. For such cases we use the "Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules", where the main principle is to use that element which is the most commonly used, for alphabetization, in the country or language area where the person is active. In many cases, including "del", "van", and "van der", the name following the prefix is used.

Letters with a diacritic mark are alphabetized as equivalent with the letter without diacritic. For example, a, ä, and å are alphabetized the same.

Major web browsers only support "national" characters in Romance and Germanic languages, but not those in Slavic languages such as Polish. For such cases, the correct spelling is indicated in Latex notation after the name, in tt font and between angle brackets.

City names are written as their English version for capital cities, and in the local language (of the country or, if applicable, the region) for all other cities. For example, "Rome", but "München" rather than "Munich".

University names use the following abbreviations. The word "Uni" should be interpreted as a multilingual abbreviation for "University", "Universität", "Università", etc. Similarly, "TU" abbreviates "Technische Universität", "Politecnico", "Technische Hochschule", etc.

City names are omitted if they are already implicit in the university name, otherwise they are included. US affiliations include the abbreviation for the state, unless the state name is part of the university name. Exception: if the city name is uninformative in context without the state indication, the latter is indicated anyway. Examples: "Uni of Washington, Seattle, USA", but "Uni of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA".

The data base uses the researcher's last name (omitting any particle) as the key, unless the last name is ambiguous (several members of the list have the same last name) or it contains letters with diacritical characters. In these cases, the alternative identifier being used as the key in the database is shown between brackets and in boldface.

The separate box [publications], if present, contains a link to a page containing the author's publications as maintained by himself or herself.

So far, no names in alphabets other than the latin one have been offered for inclusion. I expect that we will use the English-oriented variant of the transliteration, as preferred by the author, in such cases.

If you notice any error, which may occur in spite of our careful proofreading, please send a note. The same applies if you wish to contribute additional names, or additional information pertaining to existing names.