Hypermanual on Logic and Change (HYMALAC)
Division notation, main page, 1.9.1995

Notational conventions

Mathematical and logical symbols

It is very desirable to have a uniform use of such symbols throughout the hypermanual. At the same time, different parts of the hypermanual are certainly going to need their specialized symbols as well. This may be achieved by having a common set of general-purpose symbols, together with various extensions (supersets of symbols) which serve the specialized purposes.

The symbols used in Volume 1 of "Features and Fluents" may be a starting-point for discussion. A first proposal for a common general set is available in tabular form in [notation/general]. The superset required for the specifics of the Features and fluents approach (underlying semantics, assessment of entailment methods) is found in tabular form in [notationn=fafnot].

Notation for scenarios

This refers to the notation used for expressing the information that is characteristic of scenarios, that is, statements of specific actions, of action laws, and of observations. I propose to use the notation used in the [topic] division.