European Colloquium on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, ECSTER
Division sources, main page, 4.1.1996

This dictionary contains references to other sources of information similar to the present one.

Very incomplete information - for discussion only.

Other information sources for spatial and temporal reasoning, including actions-and-change and planning

Rob Miller: "a WWW page giving a list of research groups and individual researchers concerned with Reasoning About Actions."

SPACENET: The European Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Network

Amitabha Mukerjee's resource list on spatial reasoning

John McCarthy's web page for commonsense reasoning.

E-mail group for planning Short E-mail presentation
Don't know what happened to this initiative. (ES)

Other information sources on the Internet


Cornell overview of information sources

Information sources for other areas (for comparison and ideas)

Qualitative physics

VITRA virtual library. VITRA (VIsual TRAnslator) long-term BR on integrating vision and language.

Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity

FOLLI, Foundation for Logic, Language, and Information

Kurt Gödel Society (Vienna) Also: Short E-mail presentation
Note that at present (September, 1995) this intended Collection of Abstracts is still empty. (ES)

LPNMR. Special Interest Group on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning.

FEM. Literature about the finite-element method.
