European Colloquium for Spatial and Temporal Reasoning (ECSTER)

Organized by the Compulog SIG för Spatial and Temporal Reasoning

[file public] [virnet public] [virnet working] [ida/ext working]

Draft newsletter for December, 1996 (not yet published) [news/96/dec/wv]
Newsletter for October, 1996 [news/oct96-wv]
Newsletter for April, 1996 [news/96/apr/wv]
Newsletter for March, 1996 [news/mar96-wv]
Back issues of Newsletter [news/index-wv]
Scope of Colloquium topic: Spatial and Temporal Reasoning [scope/]
Colloquium policies, activities, and services [services/]
For first-time readers: instructions for use [services/readme]


Purpose, scope, and policies [cal-scope]
Directory of active researchers [researchers/]
-- External researchers
--n Ditto in pop directory
Directory of research groups [groups/]
Conference calendar [conferences/]
Journal index [journals/]
Publisher index [publishers/]
Other information sources [sources/]
Groups - reference index [groups/rix]
Institutes - reference index [cb/institutes/rix]
Cities - reference index [cb/cities/rix]
Countries - reference index [cb/countries/rix]

Bibliographic Review Structure (BRS)

Purpose, scope, and policies [bibliography/purpose]
List of conferences featuring SIG-STER-relevant contributions [conferences/listing]
Publications by topic [restopics/brs-topics]
Books and collections currently in database [journals/books-ix]
Catalogue of publications up to 1995. [bibliography/]
Catalogue of publications appearing during 1996. [bib96/]

Persistent electronic information

Purpose, scope, and policies [archive/policies]
Technical reports repository [/epa/trr/ecster/]
Electronic Abstracts Bulletin for Spatial and Temporal Reasoning (EASTER) [/epa/prd/easter/]
Technical notes repository [/epa/tnr/]
Technical reports library [/epa/trl/]
Archive organization [archive/]


The SIG for Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, SIG-STER [str/]
Publishing philosophy [publishing/]
Authoring information [authoring/]

Technical and implementation issues

Naming schemes for computer hosts and files in ECSTER [dirrep]
Indices of auxiliary entities and their codes [indexes]
Software support for ECSTER: WWDB and MATER [database/]

This is the homepage of the ECSTER colloquium.
Latest update: 24.4.1996
Administrated by Erik Sandewall, Linköping University, Sweden. E-mail